Integration Courses

If you want to live or work in Germany, this course is a great way to learn German quickly and intensively and to acquire the basics (A1-B1) of the German language and culture. In total, the course consists of six modules, each lasting four weeks (100 teaching units). After that, you can join an Orientation Course (a further 100 teaching units). This course, ending with the “Life in Germany” test (“Leben in Deutschland”), deals with the history, culture and laws of Germany. Depending on your country of origin, financial situation and familial status, you may qualify for financial support from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge/BAMF).

    • Placement

      Set an appointment at our premises by phone, in person or by email to determine your level. We will test your German language skills, inform you of potential start dates, help you with pending applications and answer questions on the terms and conditions of participation.

    • Registration

      You’ll need the following in order to register:

      • A valid original certificate of eligibility (“Berechtigungsschein”)
      • Your identity card or passport (with residence permit)
      • A confirmation of exemption from costs (“Kostenbefreiung”- for refugees and social welfare recipients)
      • A translator (if you speak no German or English)
    • Costs

      For participants with a Certificate of Eligibility (Berechtigungsschein), course fees are €229 per module (4 weeks/100 teaching units). Participants who receive social benefits in Germany (e.g. housing allowance or ALG II) can be excused from payment. Supporting documents of proof will need to be provided by the participant.

    • Certificate

      The course concludes with two exams. Upon passing the language exam (DTZ), you receive an official telc certificate. Detailed clarification of the structure of the exam can be found here. Information on the test “Leben in Deutschland” can be found here.

    Course formats

    Morning Integration Courses take place daily with completion of level B1 in six months.

    Morning Integration Courses

    • Monday to Friday, 8:30am–12:45pm
    • Levels A1–B1
    • Supported financially by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
    • face-to-face lessons
    read more close view

    Orientation course B1

    • 100 teaching units
    • Social topics, such as German culture, history and law
    • Monday to Friday, 1.30pm – 5.45pm
    • Financially supported by BAMF
    read more close view

    CEFR language levels

    Our course and exam system is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). This provides an overview of the levels, describing each in detail to ensure consistency and transferability worldwide.


    Placement test

    What is your level? Are you a beginner or advanced? Test your German knowledge free of charge and with no obligation. It’s fun!


    To the test

    The path to BAMF funding

    Five steps to the DTZ exam (Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer A2·B1)

    1. Clearingstelle und Immigration Office Stuttgart

    Go to the Clearingstelle Stuttgart or Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde) and make an appointment with them in advance. They will determine your status and, if you’re eligible, will help you apply for financial support for your course from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

    2. Confirmation from the Federal Office

    You receive either a Confirmation of the Right to Participate in an Integration Course (Bestätigung über die Berechtigung zur Teilnahme am Integrationskurs) from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), or a Confirmation of the Requirement to Participate in an Integration Course (Bestätigung über die Verpflichtung zur Teilnahme am Integrationskurs) from the Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde). This confirmation is like a gift certificate and gives you the right to participate in an integration course.

    3. Placement test at agi

    Make an appointment for a placement test at the anglo-german institute. You’ll start with a short language test and will get clarification on the structure, content and rules of integration courses. After the test,  we’ll recommend a start date and you can register on the spot.

    4. Starting an Integration Course

    You’ll find the start date, course times and the General Terms and Conditions of Registration on the registration form. On the first day of your course, come to reception 15 minutes before the course starts to find out which room to go to and to clarify any remaining administrative questions. You’ll then go to your classroom and meet your teacher, who will give you more information about the rules and goals of the course. After this short introduction, your lessons begin.

    5. Exams and certificates

    The goal of the language course is the DTZ Prüfung (Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer A2-B1/German Test for Immigrants A2-B1). Our teachers prepare you with the targeted exam training you need. Additional information about the exam can be found here. You’ll be sent your certificate approximately three weeks after successfully completing the exam. The last 100 teaching units are for the Orientation Course, which finishes with the “Life in Germany” test (Test “Leben in Deutschland”). Additional information can be found here.

    6. What’s next? Naturalisation, reimbursement, further courses

    The language requirements for your naturalisation have now been fulfilled. How to continue? That’s up to you. Do you want to study, work or to continue learning the language for another reason? How much time do you have? What are you prepared to invest? We’re happy to advise you. Our course system is modular. The next logical step would be a B2 course. You can start right after your exam, or you can take a well-deserved break.

    Tip: If you pass your tests (DTZ and “Life in Germany” test) successfully within two years, you can apply to BAMF for a refund of 50% of your course fees. Pick up the form at our reception.

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