telc German B2 Preparation

  • Targeted exam preparation for exam content and exam day procedures
  • Exam simulation
  • 6 appointments
  • Fridays from 1:30pm–4:45pm
  • Workbook ISBN: 978-3-12-676824-5
  • Face to face classes

In our telc German B2 Preparation Courses, we work with sample tests, focusing on the exam content itself. The simulation of the exam modules gives you instant feedback on your chances of success in the real exam. This way you get a good idea of your proficiency and your chances for success in the real exam. Teachers are themselves experienced speaking examiners and know the potential pitfalls candidates face in the exam.


  • 6 appointments €210

A one-time registration fee of €30 is due before your first course with us starts. Course materials cost approximately €23.


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